vrijdag 2 november 2012

Inspirational quotes

I have been reading Edgar Allan Poe lately and I love the way he writes. It is so fair-spoken and it sounds so beautiful. As I read I wrote some quotes down to inspire me later. These are the ones definitely worth sharing.

They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who only dream by night.

There are chords in the hearts of the most reckless which cannot be touched without emotion

 The first quote inspires me to dream and be creative. It makes me think of impossible things that I can use in creative ways, like in my art. It also makes me hope thinking outside of the box will help me sometime to become more aware of what is going on around me, to look through the facades of others and to understand them.
The second quote makes me remember what I forget sometimes: even the people who seem like they never care have emotions. You just have to dig deeper to get to them.
I have been bullied my entire life and sometimes it seemed like the bullies were just monsters without any feelings. But I know now that they just lock their feelings away. Quotes like these make me cope in a better way.

As my blog is fairly new, I have no idea if someone reads this.
If you do, please share your inspirational quotes in the comments.

Lots of love, Tamara

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